Comminity Cocreation

Comminity Cocreation


Cocreating an online community with students

Delivered as part of my role as Undergraduate Programme Director at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Bristol (UK).

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Project summary

The shift to digital teaching and learning has not only been engagement and Zoom fatigue but also serendipity and the sense of belonging. Those little chats that usually take place when you bump into someone you know in a lecture theatre, corridor, lift and the wider campus. The moments that show you are part of the wider community. During the COVID pandemic, with all teaching being delivered online, having those serendipitous little face-to-face conversations on campus is rather difficult.

A challenge associated with the shift to digital has not only been engagement and Zoom fatigue but also serendipity and the sense of belonging. Those little chats that usually take place when you bump into someone you know in a lecture theatre, corridor, lift and the wider campus. The moments that show you are part of the wider community. During the COVID pandemic, with all teaching being delivered online, having those serendipitous little face-to-face conversations on campus is rather difficult.

To cultivate serendipity and increase a sense of community, I worked together with student representatives and Digital Champions to design, test and launch a Microsoft Teams space shared across all years of the Centre. The space is to make it easier to spark discussions between all members of the Centre - students and staff - and bring back the sense of community innovation students had come to know and love.

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